Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shame On You, Pastor Terry Jones

“Terribly shocked” is a term that at best faintly describes my feeling when I came to know about this insane named Terry Jones, and his heinous plan to burn The Quran to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the infamous 9/11.

Does the man know what he is saying? Does he have any idea about what a tremendous communal tension can erupt from such an extremely irresponsible as well as despicable act?

9/11 was one of the most unfortunate and contemptible acts in the history of human civilization. The entire world sympathizes with the bereaved families of the 9/11 victims, and we all pray to God that He makes the perpetrators of that act (i.e. Osama bin Laden and his followers) pay dearly for what they did.

But does that mean that we will contempt that act by burning The Quran, which is the cornerstone of Islam? If we stoop to such an act, then what difference is there between us and Osama bin Laden and his aides?

Mr. Pastor, in the enthusiasm to contempt Laden’s utterly shameful 9/11 attack you have confused the entire Muslim community with the elements like Laden, while ironically the sane Muslims despise these fanatics to the same extent as sane people from other religions do.

By instigating people to burn The Holy Quran, you have actually brought yourself down to the level of that same Osama bin Laden whose act you have tried to contempt. Do you realize that?

Shame on you, Pastor Terry Jones. You are an unworthy follower of that great Jesus Christ who did not carry any malice even against the ones who crucified Him.

Please stop calling yourself a Pastor. Please stop humiliating the great religion of Christianity.


Anonymous said...

I just heard that Terry jones was arrested for possession of child pornogrophy. Is this true? I won't be surprised if it is true.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that after the tragedy of 911 that the Muslim community as a whole who consider themselves a peaceful people in the United States cannot wrap their minds around the discontent that many non-Muslims may have about Islam in general.After all,stoning people to death,beheadings and making sure that women are treated with less repsect than cattle seems to be the norm related with that religion.I may not share all of Terry Jones beliefs,but i do agree that if we as Americans who believe in freedom and want to keep it dont draw a line in the sand we will eventually lose what we have and we will only have ourselves to blame for not fighting for what we believe in.For me Islam equates pain,suffering and death simply because thats all i have seen of it.As a woman i am sickened by the way the male Muslims use such severe punishments against women for crimes not even proven,yet when their male counterpart is accussed of the same all he has to do is show remorse and he is forgiven.So when it comes to burning the Quran i support Terry Jones and his principals behind it.After all i dont need any religious text or prophet to tell me that deliberately flying planes into buildings full of innocent people is an evil act,thats a given.Perhaps its the Muslim people who need to take a good look at themselves to better understand how the rest of the
non-Muslim world may feel about the atrocities connected with their pricipals,because its not a peaceful picture they have painted of their religion.

Anonymous said...

Burn it i say.This country represents freedom of ideals and the execution of those ideals.If the muslim community doesnt like it then go back home where there is no freedom.

Anonymous said...

i am sick of walking on eggshells with these people.if you dont like America and the freedom we have here then we have the right to say what we feel.we have the right to think for we dont worry about being beaten or tortured for personal beliefs no matter who may disagree.every day i watch the news and all i see are muslims killing,killing,killing.where are all the acts of peace and kindness supposedly associated with this religion?if the Quran helps to insite the ideals that perpetuate all the hate and violence towards others who are different and not muslim then burn the damn thing.its not about hurting innocent muslims who truly want peace.its about not tolerating all the other crap associated with it.this is America love it and support what it stands for or get out and take your Quran with you!hate me all you want but i am proud to call myself an American and i will fight to the death before i allow sharia law to ever take away my freedom!!!

Anonymous said...

may god burn u in hell those who support and agree with this insane creature..if he basically understands the true sense of christianity whe 'd rather respect other religions especially ISLAM,.that is; it is not ISLAM's fault to have people practise and and apply what they like and leave all islam's good principles..True ISLAM never treats women badly as they's muslim ignorant men who does that..I agree..but that comes from thier minds not as following to Islam..just to make things clear here u ignorant people..u can all search the net for the true islam if u call urselves true christians..!!