Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oscar. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

All The Best, "Barfi"!

It is really so thrilling to know about "Barfi" getting nominated for Oscar. 

While it is always great to find an Indian movie to Oscar nomination, what made Barfi's Oscar nomination so thrilling for me is the movie's close connection with two places that I am so obsessed with - a.) Darjeeling (in the North Bengal region, i.e. the picturesque region that was once the home for my family), and b.) Calcutta/Kolkata, the magnificent city where I grew up. 

All the best, Barfi!

NB - However, I am aware of the controversy that "Barfi" has imitated a number of scenes from a Charlie Chaplin movie. Well, I am not aware of to what extent the imitation has been made. But it is certainly not appreciable if the movie owes the acclaim it is enjoying to the scenes that it has imitated from other movie/movies. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We Salute You Rahman, The Crown Prince Of Music

A.R. Rahman, the Crown Prince of music, and the King of our (Indians) heart

Your music is as refined as your nature, and precious like a rainfall in a desert.

You had already conquered India, and today you won the world

Trust me, “Oscar” itself is honoured that you have won the award.

French Translation

Nous Vous Saluons Rahman, Le Prince Héritier De Musique

A.R. Rahman, le Prince héritier de musique, et le Roi de notre (Indiens) le coeur

Votre musique est comme a raffiné comme votre nature, et précieux comme une hauteur des précipitations dans un désert.

Vous aviez conquis déjà l'Inde, et aujourd'hui vous avez gagné le monde

Me fier, "Oscar" lui-même est honoré que vous avez gagné la récompense.